Tall Tales: Ocean

Ocean storyline:

The Coral Reef Who Lost Her Colour

facts for mum & dad:

Coral reefs support 25% of all marine species on the planet.

Hundreds of millions of people rely on coral reefs for essential nutrition, livelihoods, protection from life-threatening storms and crucial economic opportunity.

93% of the heat trapped by global warming is absorbed by the ocean. The heating of our oceans makes them more acidic, bleaching coral reefs, causing fish to migrate to colder waters and melting ice caps at the poles.

Around 50% of the world’s shallow water coral reefs are already gone, and without urgent action to address climate change, these life-sustaining natural wonders could all but disappear within as little as 30 years.



We have created a series of ‘Tall Tales’, breaking down the most important climate change themes into their simplest form.

Released to coincide with World Oceans Day, the first tale in this 10 part series is set in the Ocean.

Written by Dinoski Founder Will Chapman and illustrated by the awesome Jane Foster.


What can we do?

You already know that the world is changing. You have already seen the strange weather patterns and the disappearing wildlife.

This coral bleaching epidemic is the underwater equivalent of the mass fires that started the atrocities in 2020. These things are not bad luck, they are a consequence of decades of mistreatment of our planet and it will only get worse unless we stop it.

To protect the future of our kids, it’s critical that we put increased pressure on the higher powers to take global warming more seriously.

Look at the drastic measures that were put in place globally to stop the coronavirus pandemic and the positive environmental side effects in the absence of human pollution.

Imagine what could be achieved if our next collective priority was the health of the planet.

Start talking more about the issue with friends and family.

Start sharing more information about the scary realities of rising temperatures.

Start demanding action to declare a climate emergency.

The natural world is dying on our watch. It’s our collective duty to heal it.

The future will not last long if we don’t.


Strike with Fridays for Future

Read The Uninhabitable Earth by David Wells

Watch Chasing Coral

Watch Before The Flood

Global Land Ocean Temperature Index

GlobalTemp (1).png

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