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Green Friday!

What is Green Friday?

It’s the greener, less frenzied version of Black Friday, promoting more eco-friendly human impacts on the world around us… and we’re fully behind it.

To celebrate Green Friday and the start of National Tree Week (November 28th - December 6th 2020), we will be doing two things…

1. We will plant you a tree

Urgent change is needed to solve the climate crisis and escalating deforestation. By replanting trees, we can play our small part in helping to reverse this 🙏

So, every time that somebody buys a snowsuit or coat from our website we have committed to plant that person a new tree via @treeapp_uk 🌳

2. Buy any Panda product to save a Panda

As part of our ongoing collaboration with @WWFUK, we are going to donate 10% from all Patch the Panda product sales (Snow suits, snow boots, face masks, beanies and helmet covers) to the WWF Giant Panda conservation programme 🐼

Instead of frantically searching for discounts, let’s teach our kids to love, protect and preserve our planet 🕊️

Enjoy Green Friday!